I read through the blog entries that I did in 2009 and I realized that I am picking off almost exactly where I left off. The last entry, Evelyn was 8 months old and had just gotten her first tooth. Well, Oliver is almost 8 months old and he just got his first tooth as well. Her first tooth was a top, middle one. Oliver's is in the top but its not a middle one, its on the side! Its really cute. The matching tooth on the other side is just about to pop through as well.
Today it was very nice out. I'm not sure how warm it got but I think it was in the 60's which is crazy for February. It was such a reprieve from the blistery cold winter we had this year. We went for a walk and Evelyn splashed in the puddles the whole way. She was soaked from the knees down by the time we got back but she had a blast and it was so nice to get out of the house and get fresh air that I did not care one bit. Besides, it was bath time so she might as well get good and dirty anyway.
I got a new camera a few days ago. Its a Canon Rebel XS. My goal is to take a picture everyday so that I can learn how to use it so I plan on posting a picture here everyday. (Unless we are out of town, of course)
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